Politics of Sunday, 5 February 2023

Source: www.legit.ng

CAN list 4 qualities Nigeria’s president must have

The photo used to illustrate the story The photo used to illustrate the story

The Christain Association of Nigeria (CAN) has given a directive to Nigerians on the appropriate candidates to vote for during the forthcoming elections.

Speaking to a congregation of worshippers at the Family Worship Center, the lead pastor, Sarah Omakwu, said she was sent by CAN to pass a message to Nigerians.

Her words: "So CAN sent me to you, the Christain Association of Nigeria and they said I should say this to you."

Reading out the message from CAN titled, "2023 General Elections, Who to Vote For", Pastor Sarah informed the congregation that the advisory was produced by the Political Committee of CAN.

Of course, after praying we should be able to direct you (the people)."

1. Character

Speaking further, the preacher said CAN expects the people to vote for someone who fears God and must show some level of honesty and truthfulness while exhibiting respect for the rule of law.

The candidate must also be one who understands justice and fairness for all, has respect for religious and ethnic diversities, compassion and discipline.

He or she must be clean with a credible lifestyle and have no membership or affiliation to any kind of cult. Continuing she said: "No involvement in drug and witchcraft no fanaticism, no relationship to Boko Haram or other violent religious groups. "

This is the person we are voting for, the kind of person we are all goling to vcote for. So this will be his character.

2. Competence

The candidate for who the congregation are expected to vote must be a competent one with quality performance in previous positions, good education sufficient to manage a complex society like Nigeria.

The candidate must also be effectively able to manage all human and natural resources of the country.

3. Capacity

In addition, the candidate of choice as listed by CAN must have the ability to envision transformation, communicate the vision to diverse people and effectively execute the vision of transformation. He or she must also be in good health, have a sound mind and the physical fitness for the job.

4. Policy

With all the qualities listed above, the candidate Nigerians should vote for is also expected to be able to formulate and effectively implement policies that would favour the common man.