Entertainment of Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Source: www.mynigeria.com

Why my children cried when they gave their life to Jesus - Mike Bamiloye

Mike Bamiloye and family Mike Bamiloye and family

Evangelist Mike Bamiloye of Mount Zion Films Production has revealed how his children cried when they wanted to give their life to Jesus.

According to Mike Bamiloye, the children were moved by a Christian movie they had watched to the point that they cried and asked to give their life to Jesus.

Sharing on Instagram, the filmmaker used the opportunity to reveal the elements needed to make a good Christian movie.

Mike Bamiloye shared:

'Many years Ago, our children and us, during a Christmas Holiday gathered around to watch EVOM'S "LIFE FOR LIFE". The video tape had been overused before we borrowed it to watch.

"The overused tape had turned the colour of the movie to black and white. And some part of the pictures were flickering. But we concentrated. Our children, glued their eyes to the TV, watching the movie, drinking the Living Word from the movie.

"So moving. So touching. So inspiring. At the end of the movie, All of us were quiet. Our children were crying profusely. Their mother asked to kneel down and they did. They said they wanted to give their life to Jesus Christ again. So they were led to Jesus again.

"Up till today, video evangelists and missionaries still win Souls with the technically deficient and unprofessionally made movie. What is an Excellence Christian movie? It is not in the sophistication of acting or equipment. It is not in the brilliance of the Casts. It is not in the display of Professional actors and actresses. It is not in the millions of money spent in the shooting.

"YOU HAVE WASTED GOD'S RESOURCES IF YOUR MULTI MILLION NAIRA GOSPEL MOVIE, CAN NOT CONVERT SOULS TO THE LORD OR TURN PEOPLE'S HEART TO THE CROSS OF CHRIST.. An Excellence Gospel movie lies not in the display of the Professionals or the array of high tech used, The Excellency of a Gospel Movie is in the Power of the Holy Ghost embedded in the Message and the Messengerz,. It is in the Power of the Anointing of Jesus Christ.

"Technical Equipment and Professionalism can not deliver from the grip of the Devil. Technical and Professional Flamboyancy can not frighten the Powers of Darkness but the Power of the Holy Ghost. It is the Spirit of the Lord that can deliver the Viewers from the power of sin. It is the Power of the Holy Spirit that can dispossess the Forces of darkness and rescue the Captives and bring them to the feet of Christ.

"This is not in any way despising the use of excellent equipment for the work of God, but, this is about learning to give God our Excellent Best on making the movies. The deeper your relationship with the Master, the Deeper and Heavier the Message He commits into Your hand", he concluded.