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Entertainment of Tuesday, 25 June 2024


We are so busy in life - Funke Akindele speaks on relationship with Eniola Badmus

Funke Akindele and Eniola Badmus Funke Akindele and Eniola Badmus

Popular Nigerian actress, Funke Akindele has disclosed the reason for her strained relationship with Eniola Badmus and other colleagues.

According to her, she has never had serious friends aside from her siblings.

Funke made this known during her latest interview on Arise TV.

“I think my siblings are my friends. I have people that I’m cordial with, but not serious friendships like that. Because I am always busy with work. And when I am not working, I will be sleeping, watching a movie, chilling with the kids and family.

“I like being in my space. I don’t like going to parties. I run a studio, we film every year and we have movies at cinemas and on streaming platforms including content on Youtube. I’m very busy. So I just get busy with work and my children.

“I have cordial relationships with all my colleagues in the industry. But I love working with some particular people,” she said.

When specifically asked about Eniola Badmus who she used to be very close with, Akindele said “Eniola Badmus cracks me up so much. I love to chill with her. But, we have been so busy with life. Everybody is doing their thing.”