Entertainment of Sunday, 29 December 2019

Source: Punchng

I don’t believe in New Year resolutions – Faithia Williams

Faithia Balogun Faithia Balogun

It is a few days to 2020 and it has become a tradition for many people to announce their New Year resolutions in hopes to be better versions of themselves and right some of their wrongs. But, a large percentage of them end up not keeping the resolutions

Ace actress and filmmaker, Faithia Williams, says that resolutions don’t make any difference to her. In a chat with Sunday Scoop, the 50-year-old screen goddess said, “For me, I don’t have a New Year resolution because every day, I plan my life towards my future. I just want to be the best mum, entrepreneur and make sure my brand is the best.

“Every day I wake up, that is all I plan for. New Year resolution has nothing to do with me– I’m not a believer in it.

“Of course, there were times I also penned down my resolutions but every December 31, one say one doesn’t want to do this again this year but one would find oneself doing the same thing again in the middle or even quarter of the year. That made me stop doing it. I just want to be focused on my career and business. I’ll also make more good movies. I have a bag full of what I want to do in 2020.”

Taking stock of 2019, Williams noted that the year was a good one for her. She added, “This year was amazing. I changed my brand and had a new management. I actually restructured my life.

“There were no regrets but there were challenges. I opened my business in March and it was a good one. It was not something that I knew about. I (initially) had my ups and downs but now, I’m doing well.”

The social media personality who has over 1.9 million followers on Instagram also dismissed claims that celebrities often mislead their fans with their lifestyle.

She said, “I can only talk for my brand. I have my fan base and family and friends that love me. I don’t think I’m misleading anyone. And I have reasons for doing everything I do. I don’t think celebrities mislead anybody. You have your own opinions to yourself and you know what you want to do. It is about what you want to do as an individual.”