Entertainment of Sunday, 27 June 2021

Source: thenationonlineng.net

How BBNaija’s Erica’s 27th turned into a festival

Erica Nlewedim Erica Nlewedim

The last episode of BBNaija ex-housemate, Erica’s reality TV show, Inside Life with Erica, provides footage of how her 27th birthday turned into a mini-festival.

Just off the movie set of Bitter Rain, Erica goes to check the advert which cost the Elites a fortune to put up in commemoration of her birthday. The advert was placed on the huge LED Billboard situated at Alexander Roundabout, Ikoyi Link Bridge.

The surprises did not end there. Erica’s ever-loyal fanbase held a brunch in her honour where they poured out their hearts and gifted her all-expense-paid trip to Kenya; an Award for the impact she has made; and a pimped-up tricycle which she promised to ride.

The excitement from fans, friends, family, and Erica herself was so palpable that it could be felt through the screen. Alas, so was the disappointment that accompanied the unrelenting rain, which almost ruined her big day.

The rain, which climaxed all the stress of her ever-demanding schedule, left Erica in tears. However, she needn’t have worried because her circle proved their loyalty once again and stuck it out with her.

The episode ended with the star girl having the premium fun she anticipated at an elaborate party.

The reality show navigates the life and activities of Erica after her participation in the 2020 edition of the BBnaija themed Lockdown edition.