Entertainment of Saturday, 13 March 2021

Source: www.sunnewsonline.com

Bad sex turns me off - Inem Peter

Inem Peter Inem Peter

Fair and beautiful Nollywood actress, Inem Peter, who is well known for posting raucous photos on Instagram, is heartbroken.

In an encounter with Inside Nollywood, the actress cum movie producer revealed that she’s single again and in need of a serious relationship. This is coming after her boyfriend called it quits because she was too quiet for his liking.

Hear her: “My relationship has ended and I am single again. It ended because we were too calm. He wanted noise in the relationship. I mean he likes a girl who quarrels and fights. But I can’t trade my peace of mind for any relationship.

“Some time ago, I gave a thought to marrying one of my colleagues, but coming this far in the industry, I can’t think of settling down with an actor. It is a ‘no’ for me. The very handsome ones that I would have considered are too talented that you can’t tell when they are acting or being real with you. Regardless, I’m am definitely giving marriage a chance soon. I pray it happens this year. Fingers are crossed.”

On the kind of man she would love to settle down with, the For My Eyes Only producer says, “I like tall and humble guys. He has to be a giver too. Then sex is very important. He must be impressive in bed. Stingy, deceitful and selfish guys turn me off, likewise bad sex. I can’t stand bad sex. On the contrary, a good sense of humour is a turn on for me, not sarcasm though. Also, be truthful to me no matter how hard it is.”