Entertainment of Thursday, 22 April 2021

Source: www.mynigeria.com

Ada Jesus's death wasn't spiritual - Activist Harrison Gwamnishu

Ada Jesus with Activist, Harison Gwamnishu in the hospital play videoAda Jesus with Activist, Harison Gwamnishu in the hospital

After the death of Comedienne Ada Jesus, Nigerians attributed her death to be as a result of her feud with Prophet Chukwuemeka Ohanemere Odumejeje, who she previously accused of staging fake miracles.

Activist, Harison Gwamnishu, however, dismissed assertions that comedienne Ada Jesus, died as a result of a spiritual attack.

In a video he shared online, Harisson who was with Ada Jesus until she died, said her death was as a result of medical failure as she suffered from kidney disease.

Watch the video he shared below