Business News of Monday, 7 November 2022


Nigerians lament poor electricity supply despite power generation peaking at 4,735.1MW

Electricity power grid Electricity power grid

Power generation in Nigeria rose to 4,735.1 megawatts on Sunday, November 6, 2022, showing a 3% increase from 4,594.6MW recorded last week.

This is according to a report by the Nigeria Electricity System Operator, an organisation under the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN).

According to Vanguard, the body is responsible for operating the transmission system.

Even though power generation has experienced a slight improvement for the most part of 2022, it is still lower than the 5,000MW target by the Federal Government.

The report indicated that lead generators that contributed to the surge in generation across the country include Egbin Power, Delta Power, Azura-Edo IPP, Iroro Hydro, Kainji Hydro, Odukpani NIPP and Jebba Hydro.

What are some Nigerians saying about power supply?

In many parts of the country, the power supply is still widely epileptic as they get to experience power for not more than 3-4 hours a day. In some places, power can be gone for two straight days.

Tunde Akinyele told that the electricity issue in his locality has become unbearable as he never gets to have power whenever he returns from work in the evening.

He said: “In Akute area (Lagos), light has become a luxury for us. Whenever the light comes, we don't even expect it to last longer than 3 hours. It doesn't stop the electricity distribution companies from showing up with outrageous electricity bills at the end of each month. Last October, the bill they sent to me, for a 2-bedroom flat was N28,000. I wonder how they expect us to pay that range of amount when there's hardly ever enough light.”

Another electricity consumer in the Ipaja area, John Ojo, who spoke with said that he has come to accept the unfortunate situation by relying more on his inverter.

He said: “When I gave up on constant electricity, I decided to invest in an inverter. Even though it did cost me a lot to purchase and set up, I seem to have peace of mind and know that for the period I'm home, there's a source of power supply and I don't have to pay for electricity that I do not even use.”