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Business News of Monday, 10 June 2024


ASAP: FG set on a rough road to economic recovery

Minister of Finance, Wale Edun Minister of Finance, Wale Edun

The economic recovery efforts of the Federal Government, under the Accelerated Stabilisation & Advancement Plan (ASAP) will set stormy waters following the return of fuel subsidy and continued depreciation of the Naira.

“Economy experts who spoke to Financial Vanguard stressed the return of fuel subsidy amidst weakened currency undermines any effort to set the economy on the path of recovery.““

Subsidy is not sustainable, will compound FGN’s debt burden – Adonri

“Also speaking to Financial Vanguard, David Adonri, Executive Vice Chairman, Highcap Securities Limited, said: “First let me commend Wale Edun for owning up to the existence of fuel subsidy. It is very disappointing that the deregulated exchange rate policy has antagonized the removal of fuel subsidy policy contrary to the expectation President Tinubu. ‘‘Notwithstanding the policy setback, discontinuation of any consumption subsidy remains a structural imperative for an economy that hopes to be competitive and built to last.

“Hoping that when Dangote Refinery starts local production of PMS, the subsidy will disappear, but at the current state of affairs this subsidy is not sustainable and will compound FGN’s debt burden’’.

Why fuel subsidy will persist – Adeleke

“Speaking on why the government was compelled to bring back fuel subsidy, Adebayo Adeleke, Group Managing Director, Lancelot Ventures Limited, said: ‘‘What will solve the problem of fuel subsidy once and for all is full deregulation of PMS, which means abolition of fixed pump prices by government. Scrapping of Petroleum Equilisation Fund (PEF) and open regime for petrol importation by marketers, abolishing NNPC monopoly on fuel importation and distribution. Only a regulatory framework like PPPRA is needed to check profiteering.

“The truth is that there will always be subsidy for as long as the value of our currency keeps going down. You can only remove subsidy as at a given point. A week or a month after, if the value of the currency goes down and the government insists on maintaining uniform or near uniform pump selling price, subsidy kicks in immediately.”

“The Accelerated Stabilisation & Advancement Plan (ASAP) report acknowledges these challenges, emphasizing the need for a framework that transitions towards market-driven pricing and sets a definitive end date for fuel subsidies. Such a move is critical for stimulating growth in the oil sector and reducing the fiscal burden on the government. However, this transition must be carefully managed to avoid significant social unrest and economic disruption. The current subsidy regime, while providing immediate financial relief, risks creating a dependency that is unsustainable in the long term.”

“While the N5.4 trillion fuel subsidy estimate for 2024 is aimed at providing immediate economic relief, it presents some concerns for Nigeria’s fiscal health and long-term economic stability. Under the Accelerated Stabilization and Advancement Plan (ASAP), government must navigate the delicate balance between short-term relief and long-term sustainability. Phasing out subsidies, enhancing revenue diversification, and implementing structural reforms will be crucial for Nigeria’s economic recovery and growth. The success of these efforts will depend on careful planning, robust policy implementation, and a commitment to addressing the underlying structural issues that have long plagued the Nigerian economy.”