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General News of Monday, 24 June 2024


How I escaped death by a whisker in 2010 – Deputy Gov

Senator Akon Eyakenyi Senator Akon Eyakenyi

Senator Akon Eyakenyi, the Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State has narrated how she narrowly escaped death seven years ago.

Eyakeni who was speaking during the wedding ceremony of her daughter said she escaped death by whiskers when Reigners Bible Internal Bible Church in Uyo collapsed.

The incident that occurred on December 10, 2016, during the ordination of the senior pastor, Akan Weeks killed scores of worshippers and maimed others.

According to her, had she not stepped out of the building seconds earlier, she would have been dead.

She said the place where she sat in the church was badly affected by the collapse.

“Blessing (my daughter) had another father and mother when she was growing up; and that is the immediate-past Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, and the wife, Martha Udom Emmanuel.

“When she (Blessing) was doing her Master’s in the US, the then governor and his wife took Blessing from me and the training throughout that period was handled by the governor until she returned from the US; it was a great sacrifice.

“I stand a living person today because of that sacrifice that the former governor made. If you people remember 10th December 2016, the church collapsed, it was one of the school fees he paid that took me out of that church, just a second and the church collapsed.

“Where I sat people were injured seriously but God used him. I’m today alive, I thank you,” the deputy governor said.

The deputy thanked Governor Umo Eno for accepting her as part of his team and always standing by her family.

“God has used the governor to be a great blessing to our family and to the children seated here today. I lack words to appreciate him. He knows that truly, truly I appreciate my governor for everything,

“I want to say thank you. May God bless you and your wife,” Eyakenyi said.